Sanskrit: Virabradhrasana II
English: Warrior 2
Shape Shifting Posture: Peace Eagle
Lesson of the Warrior 2 Pose
The eagle is a sacred bird, serving as a symbol of peace. It takes flight effortlessly; not allowing the illusion of limitation to ground it. We can gain this peace and confidence realizing our perceived limitations are an illusion to the expanse and possibilities a regular practice allows us.
“Be bold, be brave enough to be your true self.”
Benefits, Systems, Considerations
Helps improve balance, focus and stability
Relieves stress
Energizes body and improves stamina
Working on this posture improves all standing poses and hip openers
Skeletal – opening space and create strength in the shoulder, Strengthen ankles
Muscular – Strengthens arms, shoulders, back, glutes and hamstrings, Tones abdomen and outer hips
Circulatory – elongating and reaching arms out stimulates circulation
Digestive – opening space allows better digestion, organs are massaged and stimulated
Immune – As space is created, breath is expanded supporting stronger immunity
People with high blood pressure and heart ailments should modify posture as needed, easing into pose and keeping arms on hips if needed
Students with neck problems should keep their head in a neutral position, focusing on relaxing and elongating
For knee, hip or back issues, focus on bending slowly and mindfully into pose ensuring the knee is not extending past the ankle, and hip and spine are elongated and open. Use block or chair for support if needed